Non-Invasive Body Sculpting
Body sculpting is an added tool to help you achieve your physique goals! These services are ideal and safe for almost everyone. Using ultrasound waves, wood therapy, organic ice treatments, and vacuum cupping to lose inches, detox body, lift glutes, break down stubborn cellulite, brighten skin, stimulate collagen, reduce stretchmarks, and gain confidence!
Ultrasound Cavitation
Cavitation treatments burst and break down stubborn fat cells turning them into liquid form to empty out through the lymphatic system. This helps reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Most often done on mid-setion, low back, and back of thighs.
Laser Lipolysis
Laser lipo panels liquify and melt fat cells to detox out of the body through sweat and waste. Infared lighting also tightens and brightens skin.
Most commonly done around mid-section, thighs, and upper arms.
Vacuum Cupping
Also known as non-surgical Brazilian butt lift, this service lifts buttocks, shapes hips, enhances glute growth, and stimulates detox. Cups are placed on buttocks after wood therapy prep.
Radio Frequency
Radio frequency uses metal prongs and thermal heat to stimulate collagen, minimize stretch marks, tighten skin, brighten tone, boost metabolism and lymphatic drainage, and reduce appearance of cellulite. Usually paired with cavitation treatment.
Neck, outer armpit area, midsection, and thighs are treatable areas.
Wood Therapy
Wooden sculpting tools help stimulate blood flow, break down cellulite and stubborn fat, prep body for treatments, manipulate fat to desired areas, and stimulate lymphatic drainage.
Full Body Ice Treatment
This service is done with a frozen ice body masque with natural oils and herbs to stimulate thermogenesis, melting the fat under the skin while manipulating body fat with metal sculpting tools.
Upper arms, mid- section, back, and thighs are treated areas. Usually paired with other services to enhance results.
Interested in these services?
Go to my contact page and email me which service(s) you’re interested in to fill out a free consultation & to book!